President Hinckley has counseled parents: “Read to your children. Read the story of the Son of God. Read to them from the New Testament. Read to them from the Book of Mormon. It will take time, and you are very busy, but it will prove to be a great blessing in your lives as well as in their lives. And there will grow in their hearts a great love for the Savior of the world, the only perfect man who walked the earth. He will become to them a very real living being, and His great atoning sacrifice as they grow to manhood and womanhood, will take on a new and more glorious meaning in their lives” (quoted in Church News, 6 Dec. 1997, 2)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Week 15: Chapter 15 - Alma Teaches and Baptizes

Book of Mormon
Chapter 15: Alma Teaches and Baptizes

I'll admit it - I have back-dated this post so it looks like I was diligent and posted it two weeks ago instead of the beginning of June. But if you don't read this paragraph I am sure you will be none the wiser.

This week Alma teaches and baptizes a slew of people. I have just taught a lesson in Primary about the blessings of being baptised that included the story of Alma teaching and baptising. The blessings included: 1) We become members of Jesus Christ's church; 2) We get the gift of the Holy Ghost; and 3) Heavenly Father forgives us.

These important blessings are outlined in Alma's story and would definitely be a great guideline for teaching the story this week.

Other activities that you may want to do:
  • Help your child realise the importance of writing in his/her journal. After hearing what Abinadi had to say, Alma immediately wrote down everything that had been said. Write in a journal or draw a picture about something you have done during the day.
  • Build a tent and hide in it for a day. You know I love me a tent!
  • LDS Family Fun (aka the Living Scriptures) has an activity book about Abinadi. The last part of the book covers part of this Alma story.
  • You could also use the flash cards at the end of the LDS Family Fun activity book to make a card match up game.
  • Invite the missionaries over for dinner.

Activities from the Friend:
July 2005 - Help your toddler complete the diorama used for sharing time

1 comment:

  1. Also, you could burn a GI Joe doll at the stake! That would be quite the object lesson! (Hmmm...maybe this is why they don't let me teach primary..)

    And I was actually wondering if there was something wrong with my blog list because this one popped up out of nowhere. So I'm glad to know it's just you being crafty!
