President Hinckley has counseled parents: “Read to your children. Read the story of the Son of God. Read to them from the New Testament. Read to them from the Book of Mormon. It will take time, and you are very busy, but it will prove to be a great blessing in your lives as well as in their lives. And there will grow in their hearts a great love for the Savior of the world, the only perfect man who walked the earth. He will become to them a very real living being, and His great atoning sacrifice as they grow to manhood and womanhood, will take on a new and more glorious meaning in their lives” (quoted in Church News, 6 Dec. 1997, 2)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A Neat Suggestion

Emily from Productive Parenting sent me an email with a fantastic idea for reading and memorising scriptures:

"One idea I’ve done with my kids is to make a ‘heart chart.’ With a big piece of construction paper I cut the shape of a heart then we glued 8-10 envelopes to it and in each envelope we put a scripture passage. Each week one of the children picks a new verse from an envelope on the heart chart for us to focus on for the week. By the end of the week it is memorized simply by focusing on the verse and applying it to different situations that arise throughout the week! "

Not only did she come up with this great suggestion, Emily also has a website I have signed up for the daily emails that give me activity suggestions specific to LQ's age. I love it! I think you would too if you had a look!

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